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Rainforests are one of the most species full ecosystems on the Earth. The animals listed below are a small sample of 10 endangerd animals and plants found in gondwana rainforest. 


1. Accipiter novaehollandiae / Grey Goshawk

2. Aseroe rubra / anemone stinkhorn

3. Atrichornis rufescens / Rufous Scrub-bird

4. Banksia conferta / The Glasshouse Banksia

5. Bosistoa floydii / Five-leaf Bosistoa / Five-leaf Bonewood

6. Callitris monticola / Dwarf Cypress

7. Callitris oblonga / Pygmy Cypress Pine

8. Coopernookia scabridiuscula

9. Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni / Coxen's Fig-Parrot

10. Dasyornis brachypterus / Eastern Bristlebird


there are many more endangered animals lurking in Gondwana rainforest.


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